Below is a list of responsibilities that apply to all golfers, all year.  The rules help keep the golf course in the best condition it can be.  Our ground-keeping staff work diligently to provide the best golf experience for Mink Meadows Golf Club members and public players.  We appreciate those who do their part by following these guidelines:

  • Please pick up your broken tees and discard them in one of the trash cans provided.
  • If you take a divot from any surface, replace it properly. If you have divot mix, use that also.
  • If you hit a ball out of a bunker, please rake it smooth with one of the rakes provided.
  • Please repair all ball marks on greens.
  • Keep all pull carts off of the collars of the greens, and off of all tee surfaces. Ropes on some of the approaches are there to guide all carts towards the cart paths.  Please do not cross over the ropes with pull carts.
  • If you are in a drive cart, please do not drive behind the greens on any of the holes. Use the cart paths wherever possible.  In wet conditions, do not drive in any areas that are temporarily staked or roped off.
  • Each player should only be playing one ball per hole. We want to reduce ball marks, divots and general wear on the whole course.  This is especially important in the winter months when the grass goes dormant.
  • Please do not litter on the course. Use trash cans provided or carry out.  Do not throw cigarette or cigar butts on the course.

Your attention to these guidelines is greatly appreciated.